Route Surveys

The routes Superloads are permitted to travel on are limited by bridge capacity and geometrics, involving mass, height, width and length restrictions. Unidel has experience of known Superload routes and assesses routes to new destinations. Reviewing height clearance and the flexural and shear strength of supporting structures such as bridges and culverts, we identify the restrictions allocated to overhead bridges, overhead cables, pipes and road infrastructure and consequently plan the movement of large units.

In many parts of Africa due to various reasons the road infrastructures have either collapsed or are in a bad state of disrepair despite the need to transport project cargo that is abnormal in dimension and weight.

Our engineering route survey team comprises of a Bridge Engineer (48 yrs. experience) a Civil Roads Engineer (33 yrs. experience), and the Transporter (32 yrs. experience) are sent out to establish routes to the designated site, and from this field of study select a recommended route and provide upgrades to improve the route travelled.

Contact Us

Let Unidel handle your transport needs in sub-Saharan Africa.

For more information about Unidel or any of our services. Please feel free to contact us on the details listed below. Alternatively, please complete our enquiry form. 

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